One hundred and twenty one.
That's the number of days that went by...
And that's how long since it first began...
Two thousand and four.
Not the year 2004 but rather the number of hours that have passed by...
That's how long I know you more in person...
I cherish very single conversation I held with you...
I remember almost every conversation I held with you...
One hundred and seventy four thousand two hundred and forty.
That's the number of minutes that I spent thinking of you...
Your splendorous dressing that is befitting of your grace...
Your optimistic outlook of life and your occasional "Life Sux" comment you made every now and then...
Talking to you always seems to brighten up my day. Afterall, you're my Sunshine right?
I hope I won't end up in your "Life Sux" category though because that would really make my life sux!
I don't think there's a single day or a single hour or single minute that goes by without me thinking of you.
Trust me. There isn't.
Four hundred and ninety five.
That's the number of times I've been praying for you.
That's five times a day for ninety nine consecutive days.
I take my prayers very seriously. Uttering every single word under my breathe.
So now we all know why my prayers are unusually long...
It's afterall for you...
You asked me why and I told you it's my duty to do so...
But the truth is... There's nothing more important than to pray for you...
Believe me. There isn't.
It's the least I could do for you.
Don't get me wrong though. I have never prayed anything with ill-intention...
I've been praying for your health, for your happiness and most importantly, for your soul...
And I pray that my prayers for you would be answered.
Maybe it has... Only you know...
You might not believe in the concept of Hell but hold on to my words. It's a terrible place to be!
Afterall, it's where the Devil dwells. There's no place for an angel like you in that God-forsaken place!
But if I have the chance, I would go there myself.
Just to tell you how evil that place really is so you would never have to experience it yourself...
One hundred and twenty one days...
It's not very long actually.
On the contrary, it's just the beginning...
To be honest. my greatest wish is the day I ascend to the high heaven, awaiting for God to pass his rightful judgement on me. And while waiting, I will see you playing with the heavenly angels with the brightest halo ever made hovering above your head. Then I will know my prayers have been answered.
It maybe one hundred and twenty one days...
but after today, it will always be one hundred and twenty one days and counting till eternity begins...