Sunday, 4 March 2012

Smitten Coffee and Tea Bar

Recently, I found myself visiting Robertson Quay more and more often. You see, Robertson Quay has become one of my favorite places to hang out. The first, Duxton and the next, Katong.

Somehow, I realized that these three places in something in common...


Now about Robertson Quay...
The glorious Chocolate Souffle from Laurent's Bernard Chocolatier.
How about having those angelic Macarons from Canele Patisserie?
How about having late night desserts at TCC?
See what I mean? It's almost Heaven on Earth..

Now about Smitten Coffee and Tea Bar. I vaguely remember it was a late evening. I was strolling by the river, alone. Reflecting a day's work. Contemplating about my life. Speculating about the future. I wish for a companion... Yet I dare not ask...
I passed by the coffee bar. I was there... I saw you, Tiramisu. Dear, you sure pick me up with your potent dose of liquor! I'm not sure why but I was certainly smitten over you! Before I could even get to know you more, I had to leave for the night. 

A few nights later, I was back. Sitting at the same table, peering at you...
Only this time, I brought a friend with me for we share the same love for alcoholic cakes. I introduced you to my partner. I was afraid and scared that your puissant liquor would be too much for my friend to enjoy. But I'm just glad it turned out well.

A great night it was...

If you have subscribed to their facebook page,you would have known about their coffee brews right?
I didn't managed to try a cuppa on both occasions but as I always say...

"There's always a next time..."

The Quayside #01-11
60 Robertson Quay Singapore 238252
Tel: +65 9876 2347

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