Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Happy Sheep Honey

Back some time ago, I chanced upon Daniel Food Diary's post and got to learn that Happy Sheep Honey was giving out two jars of honey. All I needed to do was simply to like both Daniel and Happy Sheep facebook pages. Initially, I thought to myself "Hey! What are the chances of me winning right?" 

At times, I am just amazed how wrong I could be...

The following day, I received a message informing to collect two jars of honey at a PR agency somewhere in between Clark Quay and Raffles Place and boy! I ended up exploring the streets and roads of Raffles Place like some tourist with his trusty camera! The truth was I ended up lost amidst the high rise buildings but that's another story all by itself right? 

There's no need for me to reiterate my love for all things sweet but I could hardly pin down words to describe my lust for all things naturally sweet and honey is on top of the list! I could spread honey on my toast, pour honey on my pancakes or I could just brew a huge pot of iced honey water all in the name for tea! Did I mention you about my Favorite Royal Jelly? Honey meant only for Queen Bees? Now that's honey meant for a royalty!

Since I have two jars, I decided to keep the Lemon one for my mum as a early mother's day gift while I gave the Strawberry one to a confidante but who knows? She uses the same brand and flavor herself too! Ohh well, two heads are better than one and two bottles are definitely better than one too! 
A piece of neighbour-baked Panda Butter Pound Cake to go with my refreshing Iced Honey Lemon. Life is just great when there's honey and cakes for tea! Ehh... Don't ask me why is my cup a measuring cup. I guess that's what happen when your mum put a total ban on your baking spree. You just find all sorts of ways to communicate to your mum that subliminal message. "I WANNA BAKE!" 

Once again, a big thank you to Daniel and Happy Sheep for the two pots of honey. I might get a pot or two someday when I need to replenish my stock. Of course how could I forget my beloved neighbour for that cake? I daresay it's pretty darn good for a first timer! For more info about Happy Sheep Honey, kindly visit their website.

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